Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Wedding Montage

Calvin and I really got started with the wedding preparation around February this year, which means we only had less than half a year. With work being so busy, and Calvin being not around half the time, I was very tempted to skip preparing the wedding montage altogether. But Jupe insisted he wants to see one, and Veron said it's actually pretty easy and straightforward, so I got off my lazy ass one day and started. 

And I am glad I did. Because this was probably the most meaningful part of my wedding planning process. I really got to look back on all those years, remembering family who have always been there for me; and friends whom I have shared crazy adventures with. It's amazing just to reflect on how far I've come and grown. And how everything just fell into place when I met Calvin. 

So if you are thinking of skipping yours.. don't. 

Made using iMovie. Special thanks to mom and dad who helped scan the childhood photos. 

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