Saturday, September 6, 2014

It's September Already?

Time really flies when you're having fun, or when you have a baby! I can't believe my last post was written back in May. Well a lot has happened since then. I went back to work in June, and it was stressful initially but I think I am getting the hang of juggling baby duty + work now. We also made a trip to Bali for a wedding, just me and Calvin without Chloe. That was the first time I was away from Chloe for more than 24 hours! What a big milestone for me. A special thank to my sweet mom-in-law who offered to baby sit her for the weekend. 

Then baby Chloe fell really sick on my birthday and ended up getting hospitalised, which was really scary. But thank God she recovered eventually. However my little baby who could sleep through the night decided she didn't want to anymore, and we had a rough couple of weeks waking up every hour or so tending to our little monster. We were so exhausted and desperate, we ended up hiring a sleep consultant. 

Fast forward to today, it's our 2nd day of sleeping training our little angel/monster and so far so good. I shall not say anything more in case I jinx it, but will definitely post about it in the next few weeks. Stay tuned.

I love you sweet little munchkin even though you are a monster at night! 

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